Hospitality Concierge


Hospitality Concierge

Hospitality Concierge Maps are provided to your guests upon request, and contain a diagram of the area surrounding your hotel. Your hotel logo is printed on the front panel of the Hospitality Concierge. Supporting businesses are also located to assist your guests with trouble-free directions. Space is provided for pertinent information about your hotel and its policies. Sufficient quantities are supplied to insure adequate amounts for all your annual guest check-ins.

Our flagship service. Save time at guest reception and thousands on key sleeve costs by using this new costumed-designed, private label, pocket concierge.  Its like having your hotel's "concierge" in their pocket.

Guest Concierge Compendium

Our Guest Concierge Compendium is an elegant addition to your lobby or front desk area. Access to them by your guests permits your front desk staff more free time for busy check-ins and check-outs. Concierge compendiums provide a bounty of information on area businesses.

Durable construction, featuring protective brass accent tips, two inch gold binder rings and protective vinyl pages ensure they will maintain their splendid appearance throughout the year. Each product includes gold foil debossing and opens to a customized welcome letter from your establishment.

We cover our representative's stay via our points system. The Guest Concierge Compendiums are supplied at no cost to your establishment.

Guest Services Directory (In Room)

This full-color directory will definitely emphasize your customer service attention to detail.  Each guest will be visually pampered with this hotel guide featuring special paper for UV and handling durability, premium graphic highlights and custom design.

General Printing

Give us a shot at any of your printing needs.  We think you'll be impressed with the high-quality, fast turn around time and competitive pricing.

Free To Go Menus and Table Ad Mats... get your menus and mats out into people’s homes for free!

hospitality concierge 411

No Cost, Ad-Sponsored Program Available


All the studies agree: people are eating out more than ever before. Take advantage of one growing segment of this growing market, the call-in, takeout dinner, by making plenty of To Go menus  available so the next time they are hungry at home and don’t want to cook, your menu and phone number are right there. You get 5,000 color to go Ad Menus or 5,000 table Ad Mat menus --

ALL for FREE. It's up to you!

For Advertisers...

Advertise in your favorite local restaurant’s To Go Menu or on their Ad Place Mats.

It’s a terrific place to promote your business in quality publications.

Thousands of businesses advertise in Hospitality Concierge guest services publications each year. Why? Simply because our ads generate more business to add to your end profits.

For a small investment, it’s an excellent opportunity to target the types of people you want as new customers. And it’s not just a one shot print ad – your ad stays on the menu and is seen by potential customers for 6 months.

We print 5000 color To Go Menus or 5000 table Ad Mats for free to the local restaurant client, with a renewal after 6 months; supported by advertising from appropriate local businesses and business professionals like you. The menus are typically 11 X 17 inch when open. The Ad Mats can be be as large as 11 X 17 as well and if you have a price increase during the year, we'll reprint all of your menus -- also for free.

Call or e-mail us today. 1.800.420.9828 [email protected]

    Order Any Of Our Products TODAY Fill in the form below and our Client Relations department will contact you promptly or call us 1.800.420.9828.  We look forward to serving your needs.