Hospitality Concierge

Hospitality Concierge 411

Impress Your Customers, Guests or Patients With Professionally Designed Products And Services From Hospitality Concierge

We offer a variety of guest service products including:

·         in-room directories

·         guest maps

·         pocket concierges

·         laminated directories

·         guest concierge compendium

Ad Based vs Direct Buy

With adequate sponsorship from local businesses, Hospitality Concierge is able to offer our print products for free or very low cost. We do all the work and you get the products you need.

Ad-Based Program
Who says there is no such thing as a free? Not us. Hospitality Concierge's unique no-cost ad-based program gives you the information you need for your guests for nada. How can we offer something for free? Local advertising support pays or defers the costs. All you need to provide is a complimentary room for up to 12 nights, parking and local phone/fax privileges for our professionally trained sales representative, who sells the ads for you. And there's no obligation. If not enough ads are sold to defer the costs, you can cancel the agreement, pay the difference in costs or select another great directory product.

Direct Purchase
For those who prefer a product with no ad sponsorships, we offer a direct purchase at competitive pricing. Created by our top designers and produced entirely in-house customizing is always available and affordable.